Why Does My Thermostat Keep Dying? – Common Thermostat Problems & Solutions to Fix Them
Common Thermostat Problems
Power Supply Problems
One of the main issues is power-related problems with your thermostat. Check the batteries and see if anything is wrong with them. The batteries might’ve died and need to be replaced. Another issue could be a tripped circuit breaker or a blown fuse. Usually, this common thermostat problem can be resolved by resetting the breaker or replacing the fuse. Lastly, another common thermostat problem could be issued with the transformer. A malfunctioning transformer can fail to supply the necessary voltage to a thermostat. Any of these thermostat power supply issues should be addressed. Luckily, most of these problems are easily fixable and might be the solution to fix your dying thermostat.Mechanical Problems
Another set of problems falls under the category of ‘mechanical.’ This means the issue is not with the power supply but rather the actual thermostat and one or more parts. For example, your thermostat’s sensors might be faulty by displaying an incorrect room temperature. This can cause your HVAC system to turn on and off due to the false information your thermostat is giving it. Or your HVAC system keeps running without shutting off, which could mean faulty wiring within your thermostat. Another issue could be that your thermostat is not responding when you try to change the temperature, or the response is delayed. Lastly, your thermostat might be too old, and its parts are worn down. IN that case, it is best to replace it altogether with a new one if you can.
How Do You Troubleshoot Your Thermostat?
You can troubleshoot your thermostat to get it back into working order. One of the easiest things you can do is replace the battery for your thermostat. This could set it straight, especially if you’ve not changed the battery. You could also reset or replace the circuit breaker if it has blown a fuse. If you have a digital thermostat, you can try to reset it to fix any minor glitches. Depending on your model, you will have to research how to do it since it might require pressing a certain button or a combination of buttons. Other things you can do are to check to see if it is in the right mode (heating or cooling), clean the thermostat to free it of any dirt or dust, and check and see if anything else in the room could be causing it to act up, like sunlight, drafts, or heat vents.
Should You Repair Or Replace Your Thermostat?
Repairing Your Thermostat
There are things you can do for your thermostat before you consider replacing the whole thing entirely. Some signs indicate thermostat repair. For example if your thermostat is not responding, it could be due to dead batteries which need replacing. Your thermostat can also be set to an incorrect setting, need a light dusting off, or be reset if it is a digital thermostat. So, you can try one of these methods or all of them before you consider replacing your thermostat.Replacing Your Thermostat
Signs you should replace your thermostat are different than signs for repairing it. This should make it easy to decide what you should do for your dying thermostat. For example, if it is over 10 years old and it is malfunctioning, this could mean it is getting old, and you should consider replacing it or upgrading to another one. If it frequently malfunctions despite you replacing or resetting the batteries, then something is wrong with the thermostat itself, and it might need to be replaced with a new one. If you also notice it is impacting your energy bills and causing them to increase, then you should replace your thermostat before it results in higher energy bills. Lastly, one obvious sign you should replace it is if you notice any clear visible damage, like a cracked screen or it got damaged from water.
When it comes to maintaining the comfort of your home, it is important to make sure your thermostat is in working order and up to date. It is a key component of an HVAC system and helps control and maintain the climate of your household. That’s why Seattle Heating and Cooling offers repair services for your HVAC, A/C, and thermostat. We offer a full spectrum of HVAC services designed to keep your home comfortable all year round. If you need help to repair or replace your thermostat, you can contact us to book a quick appointment. Here at Seattle Heating and Cooling, your comfort is our priority.

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